Sound advice
Category: Randomness | 13 Comments | Posted 13:56well, stop befriending people who live in other countries
quoth conquest. Yes, thank you. I shall bear that in mind.
What sound advice.
Of course, what i meant to say was;
"It's awfully lucky that you can cheaply travel to all different exciting countries throughout Europe and stay for free at friends houses while some of us live in Australia and if WE want to travel to anywhere it costs us squillions of dollars"
You know what just happened
One of those annoying ILRES people called (national survey institute for those who don't know). I actually agreed to answer her questions as I'm a nice person but after stating the commune I live in and my age, she just went: "I just notice that we've questionned enough people from that commune; thanks, have a nice weekend, bubye!"
"commune" is cute. and probably very nice in Val accent
Will call tmw btw, Citz. A little update is overdue
I agree
Val, stay away from my squiZZ.
squiZZ, stay away from my Val.
Erm... before anyone thinks that I'm a member of some obscure sect, I'd rather explain myself There's not really an equivalent in English for what I wanted to say, I think. What I meant with "commune" was really "borough" or "municipality"
Val, I think Suburb is the word you're after.
If I get somebody calling from one of those places, I ask them what they're wearing... conversations are amazingly brief after that.