Update from Mir-place-Norway
Category: Mon & Lo updates | 5 Comments | Posted 20:37Hello! How are you? We are good, yes we are. Mon has a WAM. And WAM has a Mon.
We are in Oslo now, at Mir's place. It's cold here. Well WAM thinks it's hot, but she's a bit strange. She's eating salad. See the people who live here are nice and give us food. (Ja so apparently it's not only in the army one gets free food.
We've been to Burger King today. In Oslo. Next to the tube/train/subway/thingy station. You know, on Karl Johan. Aha. We ate there. Chicken burgers. Oh ja and that's where we met Mir. At Burger King. Well outside Burger King. After Burger King we went to some cafè place. It was raining and it was cold. Because we sat outside and not inside. Because we're unhealthy and smoke. Well not WAM obviously.
We're here now. In Mir's flat. Mir's sister and friend are here. And WAM and I.
I will show you pictures. Yes I will!
This is Mir:

She owns this place. Did I already mention that? Lots of other people live here too. Students. She shares a kitchen with some of them. In the kitchen there is a guy with scary eyes. I haven't seen him with my own eyes, but I've heard the rumours about him. Mir speaks funny. Funny funny-speak.

See that's me typing. And Mir and WAM on the sofa. It's not really that dark and un-cozy here, but we had to use the crappy webcam for pictures because Mir's USB cable has vanished so we can't use her digital camera.

Here's another sofa picture. Mir's sister is wearling greeeeeeeeeeeeen trousers.

This is my WAM. Isn't she cute?

I don't think I have anything else to say right now. I will speak to people here instead. Oh ja, and we love Jon!

Yay! I loike pic updates. You do good updates, Mon.
I know, she's wonderful isn't she?
Maybe I'll get her to always write my updates from now on.
You all are cute!
More updates now pleeeaaase
Posted by: Clarissa at Wed October 6, 2004 23:29Uck @ Phil Collins, U all look like you having a fab time and look fab, Cla looks so sweet resting on Mir. Awwww
Posted by: Matty at Thu October 7, 2004 21:53