A Photo Entry
Category: Photolog | 11 Comments | Posted 13:36Last night I felt pretty shit as you may have gathered from my previous entries. *lol* The first time I felt shit I went and sat one of them things that reach out into the sea that I don't know the name of and listened to music.

I like the sea. It helped. Then after squiZZ had gone to bed and was no longer entertaining me with his hyperness I felt shit again so went for a long walk and listened to music and took lots of crappy but fun Samuel pics. Here are some of them.

PS. I have S.O.D.
What's S.O.D
And some interesting pics there! ME wants a beach!!!!
Posted by: Mel at Thu September 30, 2004 15:33Move to Brighton
S.O.D. = Suppurating Ovaries Disease.
(squiZZ obsession disorder of course)
Posted by: Clarissa at Thu September 30, 2004 17:11Them 'things that reach into the sea' are called stones and pebbles.
because the provide a break between the water and the land?
Posted by: Mel at Thu September 30, 2004 19:14Because they break the force of the water and therefore prevent it from eroding the beach (too much). Apparently.
Posted by: Clarissa at Thu September 30, 2004 19:36I thought you meant a pier!
Is that postbox, em, pink??
Posted by: Woods at Thu September 30, 2004 20:42Yep!
You know Brighton's the gay capital of the world... we even have pink postboxes!
And purple cars by the looks of it!
Of.... of, the world??