And the winner is...
Category: Randomness | 2 Comments | Posted 17:50I had a cool conversation with Craig today. Was generally interesting but most of it is not meant for general consumption. But some bits are. With his permission.
PS don't forget to comment on the previous entry...
Wam: shall I make an appointment right now? with heather?
Craig: yeah, why not?
Wam: cuz is scary?
Wam: Heather Chamberlain, a Canadian lesbian who is a former racehorse owner
Craig: wtf!? where you get that???
Wam:: Google
Wam: Heather's not in
Wam: so shall I take it as a sign and ring the other one instead?
Craig: maybe, try her.
Wam: let's google her first
Craig: ok.
Craig: do you google everybody???
Wam: nah
Craig: you are quite scary you know that....
Wam: ugh I really don't like her blurb tho
Wam: there's also caroline
Wam: Your search - Caroline Drijver - did not match any documents.
Wam: she's a sneaky one
Craig: somebody NOT on google = sneaky!!!???
Wam: ja
Craig: LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Craig: I am crying here.....
Craig: I love your logic.
Wam: I am not on google either and I'm a sneaky one
Craig: but is clarissa?
Wam: oh yeah all over the place
Craig: well, there you go.
Wam: but she aint me
Wam: well maybe Caroline has an alter ego too
Wam: so shall I ring her?
Craig: she might be off saving the world as her alter ego?!
Craig: probably sneaking around iraq or something
Craig: dont you need referral?
Wam: well my doctor's a wanker
Craig: your Doctor's a wanker?!
Wam: not in the literal sense
Craig: god, and heres me thinking you only conducted THAT survey online!
Wam: well I'm sure he is but I ain't witnessed it
Wam: this conversation will make a great diary entry
Wam: [but] if I copy this convo into a diary entry.... do you realise what that means?
Wam: in a few days Your search - "Caroline Drijver" - did not match any documents will cease to exist!!! because my entry will be the result!!!! what a great responsibility to bear in mind!
Wam: ah but it's great! It will go round in circles! from Google to my blog, from my blog to Google...
Wam: what genius!!!
Wam: I will be in direct interaction with Google!!!
Craig: a google bomb....
Craig: of sorts.
Wam: a very exclusive one tho
Craig: a google...firework?
Wam: ooh this convo is pure art!!
Wam: we should publish it as a book!
Craig: i want my name in the 'Id like to thank:'
Wam: well you'll be one of the authors!
Craig: hey, I could thank ME then!
Wam: if you want
Wam: how sad
Craig: yeah, is eh...
We rock
very entertaining