Your turn!
Category: Me about me | 21 Comments | Posted 12:25Yeah so I'm busy applying for jobs I won't get and can't be arsed to do a proper entry, so you can entertain me. As I announced in previous entry, the question is:
Those of you who've met me, do you think I'm very different on- and offline? If so, how?
Feel free to IM or mail if you don't wanna comment. But reply or I'll kill you!
so my internet connection is down LOL
I have met you only twice, and to be honest, you seemed more friendly off-line then online. But before I met you I had only read posts from the incredible citizenofpop from the kop board, lol.
you´re cuter off-line too
back to editing at school. So long friends
When I first (and last) met you you were exactly like I thought you were gonna be
I was very nervous at meeting you for real because of when we had wars on MJNI back in the day.
You where more friendly than I expected and a ray of sunshine! Plus Alot much taller than I expected.
Posted by: Matty at Tue September 28, 2004 13:48Well I first knew u offline when I met you v briefly for like 10 mins... you were coming out of (or from behind I think) a red phone box outside the Lanesborough!
So er, hmmm, does my comment count?
Well, I first met your personality online I suppose. So this question's hard for me LOL. You struck me as a very interesting person both on and offline. :) Still do.
Posted by: Woods at Tue September 28, 2004 14:23>I'll kill you!
for real?
I dont mind being killed, as long as its slow and painfull though. I would want it to be headline stuff got it?
Anyway, thought you would be protesting outside the Labour Conference today, gather up some eggs and be gone with you.
Fly my Pretty Fllllyyyy!
Posted by: Matty at Tue September 28, 2004 16:19I protested on Sunday, that was enough.
I am lazy remember?
>try me
As you wish, x-master
Posted by: d at Tue September 28, 2004 16:32 @Matty
@question: well, I know you better offline than online but considering what I've read so far... nope, no big difference between the two You're a cheeky girl, online and offline
maybe only with the pople you know well...
you're scarier offline
Oh I forgot to thank everyone on here!! You're all cute and they were interesting to read!
@ my (still!!) property!
You're nicer offline. Much cuter. Not that you're not nice online...
Interesting. So the majority thinks that. And here I was thinking I seemed distant and antisocial offline.
I met Citz before I knew her online and she was very nice. I gave her directions to an EasyInternet cafe and she was all smiles and "Thank yooo"'s
Then I visited her site.. found out what a bitch she was and liked her even more!
Posted by: Mel at Wed September 29, 2004 16:53LMFAO Mel is never gonna drop that Easy Internet story!!! We spoke for like 10secs!!!
You're so fucking cuuuuute, I want a MelPet!!!!!!
Yep, youre much cuter offline. Other than that, youre pretty much the same. Hysterical and funny
Y'all are so wrong. Clarissa is much friendlier online than off. Rude cunt!
Posted by: squiZZle at Wed September 29, 2004 22:37 I love squiZZ
Interesting @ Vega
hysterical? In a good or a bad way?
Absolutely in a good way. You talk a lot and fast, and its always entertaining. You can make a boring subject be funny, just because of your imagination. I could probably just sit there and listen to you, like a TV or radio show, you know.
Posted by: Vega at Thu September 30, 2004 17:01