Category: Life & Me | 2 Comments | Posted 20:20Of course I got it all wrong... I thought it was next weekend or sth. Not sure what I thought but anyway not that it was today.
So today I decided I wanted new shelves.. cuz basically I have too many clothes... so need to move some stuff outta my room... and blabla anyway whatever, I found these at Argos, exactly the same style as the ones I have in here already, so decided to go into town and get them. And was much traffic in town... and very many police... and annoying diversions.... and I suddenly had a moment!
I only had my Samuel (mobile), not my Chloe (digicam) but I decided to stay and go down there of course... first went to get shelves tho, and when I got down to the seafront there was a demo for fair trade going on so I joined in of course! Mainly for the pics tho... unfortunately quality on Samuel is really shit but have a look anyway...

Yeah other than that... well I finally tidied the lounge, set up the shelves of course, I also cleaned up my PC, the hard drives I mean, and chatted as usual. What I did not do is any job-search-related work, nor anything creative. I also forgot to go down to Asda to see if I could find anyone to do next Monday's shift for me. When I'll be in Norway you know. With my MAP. Less than a week from now, did I say? I think Imma stay there.
I'm very torn between "omg I am so excited to see her again" and "waaah will only be 5 days and I wish my friends didn't live so far away cuz I never get to see them so most of the time it's so damn fucking depressing". Yeah just the usual me then eh. squiZZ is
, squiZZ is weird, d is
, d is weird, I am
, I am
, whatever...
I urge you to watch this video tho (1318KB, wmv), it's very funny.
I like those shelves.
What the hell are all those people demonstrating about??
Posted by: Woods at Sun September 26, 2004 22:17