Summer's gone
Category: | 13 Comments | Posted 13:25Today is the first day of the rest of our lives.
I meant, the first day of autumn.
Oh and I've passed my MA. You know, "the" dissertation. Got a 2-1.
This was gonna be a longer entry at first but meh.
Funny convo tho:
Me: "Even rang my mum tho she didn't deserve to know (have also spoken to her about the whole issue.... hm ja)"
BML Me: "Ooooh, what did she say? The only reason you managed to finish it was because you're 'fat'?"
Well it made me laugh.
weeeeeeeellllll dont!
that was meant to say well done!
Thanks Anne
No it's not the same as "eins bis zwei", more like a "zwei plus".
A 1st is the best you can get (above 70), then a 2-1 (60-70), 2-2 (50-60) and a pass (above 40).
Posted by: Clarissa at Thu September 23, 2004 17:26Actually, that's what I thought. That it's something between very good and good. Not bad Clarissa
>>A 1st is the best you can get (above 70), then a 2-1 (60-70), 2-2 (50-60) and a pass (above 40).
aaah now clear
good Citz
Hey, congratulations!! You deserve it, you've been working on that for ages.
LOL @ looking for jobs. But surely it will be a bit easier now that you have your MA?
(A biii-iiit.)