I own a bully
Category: Randomness | 12 Comments | Posted 23:52My delectable but very bossy (temporary) property daniel won't let me go to bed. He has also demanded that I update. I don't have much to say. I have the beginning of a cold, very annoying. It also IS cold. Summer's over. Depressing.
Oh but I have a job interview next week. That's good at least. And a craving for milk. I also have a PetŪ, a Lo, a Mon, a BML, a Tom, a Matty, a Brian and an Angelina. I am doing well. Oh and BA have great offers on long haul flights. The travel bug is itching. Now shall I go to Hong Kong, New York, Sydney, Johannesburg or Beirut?
End of entry. May I go to bed now, oh property?
PS Pretty.
no, master, you may not. you must stay and entertain your property
I suggest you go to Beirut. There's really something going on there, you won't be bored.
Cheap Africa
Ja!!! I sent you link on Yahoo too.
So now no excuse not to go!
I hate work soooooooooo much!!!
Take me with you to Africa!!! I can speak Portuguese in Angola and Mozambique!
Posted by: Mel at Wed September 22, 2004 12:23Work was pretty shitty today! I'm in the CEOs bad books!
Posted by: Mel at Wed September 22, 2004 21:07