Sunday September 19, 2004
Biiig picture update!
Category: Photolog | 9 Comments | Posted 10:16Paris, Luxembourg, presents, clothes... (20 pics & 2 videos)

The usual... my beloved cathedral from our hotel window. *hehe*

This is in the Catacombes. View video. (rm, 8secs, 115KB)

Cimetière & Tour Montparnasse. I won't bore you with the graves
of the people I went to see there (Baudelaire, Gainsbourg, Sartre).

But this is a funky grave (some random guy).

Eglise St Gervais St Protais: pretty from the back...

... and pretty horrid from the front. *lol* (how incongruous!!)

Hôtel de Ville from the back.

My beautiful beatiful Church again...

... and her South rose window...

... and glowing in the sunset.

Dusk. Left Ile de la Cité, right... well, Rive Droite. *lol*

Quai d'Orsai & sparkly Eiffel Tower. Video here (rm, 13secs, 142KB).

If I ever did get married it would be in this dress. Yes it's a wedding dress!
How wonderfully gothic!! And the groom will wear eyeliner.
Wherefore art thou, Brian? (Pet®?

Enough Paris. This is Lux. *lol*

Enough Lux. These are the clothes I bought. Funky chinese... thing.

Funky shirt. It's greenish tho it looks blue.

And then there's all these cool & cheap things...

... I bought at C&A in Lux (yes I like stripes!!)...

... the trousers are new too (pinstripes LMAO).

This is the sexy bday present I got from Martine!!! Bats

Aaand the bag I also got from BML Me which I forgot
to show last time. Very me innit?

Finally, here's my Sam as he should be
(with droolable wallpaper that is).
My apologies to the Pet®.

Beautiful Paris pictures... we should go there together once!!
Posted by: Suha at Sun September 19, 2004 10:59We should!!!
Will be fun with a baby in tow tho.
I am SO coming over!! God, the pretty buildings and stuff!! ahhhhh find me some money!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: snow white at Sun September 19, 2004 12:47Daddy will stay at the hotel with Lucas and we'll go out! ;)
Posted by: Suha at Sun September 19, 2004 17:51pretty dress
Posted by: shazia at Sun September 19, 2004 23:21Damn, that bat necklace is dope! That musta been a real good friend of yours to give you that present.
Posted by: jealous! at Mon September 20, 2004 21:13