Me again
Category: The Web | 9 Comments | Posted 0:04OMFG y'all have to download/watch this video (1212KB, Quicktime), it's soooo incredibly funny!!!!!
[edit 1:17] Last update... ja so I'm finally all packed (didn't take that long, but I was online until 0:30 or so)... I have 4hrs left to sleep but will probably be less in practice cuz I never sleep too well before a trip. Ah well I'm used to it. I have 2 cans of Red Bull. I found my Lauryn CD btw! OK byeeee... Paris here I come!
That movie is SO over-rated. I've seen much funnier things on that You've Been Framed.
whats [-( supposed to be?
it's supposed to be this"" but I obviously got the code wrong
shame on you
Posted by: Tom at Sun September 12, 2004 17:45As Enrique says:
"I'm not in love, it's just a phase that I'm going through..."
@ squiZZ getting code wrong when I'm not there to correct it. Sucks dunnit.
BML, will show you file on m PC. Remind me.
Tom, ja you suck. Much like Swiss keyboards.
LOL @ Val. Get over it!
Posted by: Tom at Wed September 15, 2004 23:23