The fun and the less fun
Category: Life & Me | 6 Comments | Posted 15:55Hokay, here's the last entry for a while... since I will be off to Paris tomorrow (woo!) and so on.
Lemme start by showing presents (& cards cuz cute)... the ones I got so far and the ones I know I will get, hehe. In chronological order.

From Katja & Tobias. Is German stuff so won't mean much to most of you.
But aaaah my Ärzte

Cute cards from Lo and Pet®! Green

Funny talking card from BML Me! Bat too

Incense sticks from BML Me.

Cuuute snake from BML Me!

Cool T-shirt from BML Me!

Sarafina DVD from Pet® (very cool South African musical)

Sexy new mobile from my mum! Well she hasn't definitely said yes yet but I'll convince her!

So ja, are cool things yes?
So thaaaaaaanks again everyone
, also for cute texts and emails and messages and threads and stuff.
So that was the fun. The less fun... I tried to call in sick but they wouldn't let me (well, made me feel bad about it cuz 3 people have already). *sigh* But I managed to get everything done anyway: I've applied for four jobs, and asked for application packs for another four. That's a record for one day. Aand there are another four with later deadlines that I'll apply for when I get back. Mhm. And I won't get a single one of them so I'll be depressed and all... but ah well. One needs to keep trying.
Um yeah so off to work soon. *sigh* Ja then tomorrow I have to get up at 5.30 cuz driving to Paris... aaah Paris!
Very excited about going. From there to Lux (Weds night)... I will have Net access there but very limited (my mum's PC and dialup...), so I'll probably see you when I get back. Next Saturday that is. Have a fun time my lovelies and don't miss me too much!
Ohhh I love the T-shirt
>>Next Saturday that is
Have fun in Paris though
Nice presents! Happy birthday (sorry I'm late hehe, I didn't know it was your birthday). *jealous* I wanna go to Paris too. Stupid question perhaps, but where do you park your car when you're there? Don't they make you pay and all?
Posted by: Evelien at Sat September 11, 2004 18:46 @ my Lo.
LOL @ Evelien. Depends. I often just park it in the street without paying. You get parking tickets but cuz we're foreigners we never have to pay them (I do the same thing here). But that's about to change apparently
Ah, sneaky. I wish I had a car and my lincense, I'd go to Paris too and just park my car somewhere and then have fun!
Posted by: Evelien at Sun September 12, 2004 14:15Ooooh @ BML, sorry, forgot. Did take pic tho!
Posted by: Citz at Wed September 15, 2004 18:44