Welcome to Sussex!
Category: Photolog | 9 Comments | Posted 20:04What a great day I've had! It was sunny & warm & wonderful so I decided to (finally) hire a scooter and cruise around a little. I had a fabulous time and saw many wonderful things, and I'm gonna share them with you!
(warning: massive picture entry! *hehe*)
Ja, so some of you may know that I used to have a little scooter from the age of 16 to about 20... I loved it - there's nothing cooler than racing around on one of them. Been wanting to hire one for ages, and since today was probably the last nice day of the year... it had to be done.

Here she is. I called her Katrina in honour of Kat, who used to be called skuuta_luvs_mjj or sth like that on MJNI before she was banned. *g* squiZZ will be delighted to see she's (mostly) silver. The scooter Kat, not the girl Kat. The one I owned was silver too btw.
She did up to 65kmh (40mph)... wheeeeeee!!! The plan, originally, was to cruise around Brighton, dodging the traffic and generally driving like a madwoman... as I used to back in Lux. So that's where I started out... come with me on a ride along the seafront (RealMedia, 404KB, 39secs)... fun ja? I was gonna do lots more filming but basically braking with just one hand is kinda dangerous in that sort of traffic. So instead you'll have pics...

This is the Rock Garden near Preston Park. It's loooovely!
It has all these hidden paths and steps and stuff...
... and there's a pond too! (with fish)
Shoreham Beach (completely opposite end of Bton lol). Bit boring uh?
This is Shoreham too. Have we had a bit of a draught?
This is Devil's Dyke. Very famous spot.
It's kinda hard to show the amazing view from Devil's Dyke in one pic (and can't be bothered to stitch together a panoramic one), so yet again there's a little video of it. (RealMedia, 128KB, 12secs, no audio) [edit] OK I bothered after all so click here for a full (& imperfect, lol) panorama (1080x270px, 38KB)[/edit]
So from Devil's Dyke I decided not to return to Brighton, but instead drive through the countryside. And what a great decision it was! BTW here's another video of that. *lol* (RealMedia, 189KB, 15secs, no audio)
Right, so on with the fun stuff I found!

This is St. Martin's, Westmeston Parish Church. Cute no?
With a little graveyard (of course, hehe).
Also pretty stained glass window.
Generally kinda cute. But small of course. *g*
This is Lewes. Is kinda boring. But thought you might wanna see.
This is a pretty country manor with a horrific steel construct behind it
(some opera or sth. can't remember the name tho)
I saw a strange bird! What is it? A grouse? It can't fly properly.
These are Alpacas!!! They make nice wool I think. Related to the llama.
Um yeah so there's a farm there. In Glynde (in case you cared).
They had a camel too for some unfathomable reason. *g*
This is part of Glynde Place. It's open about 20 days of the year. *lol*
But it has - yippie - a nice graveyard!
Ja and then there's this. It's the Meridian Shopping & Community Centre in Peacehaven. Have you ever seen anything more ugly and... disgusting?

Um yeah that's it. Wasn't that fantabulous? Well I had a great time anyway! Will definitely do it again!
Oh, I almost got a parking ticket cuz I'd parked my Kat on the curb while going to Argos! *lol* And I broke the funky earphones of my mp3 player. LOL oh and I bought the Argus (local paper) and then it blew away & scattered in the wind!
So I had to buy a new copy (no I was not gonna run after each single bloody sheet!) . Ja. I think I have a bit more of a tan again tho.
And now I'll shut up. *g*
Nice bird.
Btw, I'm gonna buy a... Digicam a nice one...
Is that a bloodied and bludgeoned dead horse in the Devil's Dyke picture?
Looks like a small furry creature with grey ears is eating it too...
Posted by: conquest at Fri September 10, 2004 5:37Thanks Suha
Conquie, it's a person (or 2) enjoying the sun!
Woooooooo!!! A Citz's birhtday! Happy Birfday our Citz! Expect the stripagram at 7pm!
BTW: Check this out. Page 2 of a thread about the MJ pic on the MJNI homepage:
Posted by: Mel at Fri September 10, 2004 16:19