Deserves a quiet night
Category: Randomness | 10 Comments | Posted 21:28Nightswimming of course.
I finally bought REM's video collection today. Good choice. Some great videos I hadn't yet seen. E-Bow The Letter, which is one of my favourite songs of theirs, has a very nice video which fits the song really well - at least how I see it. Daysleeper less so, but Nightswimming is great too. And they like green in their videos. *hehe* And there's of course one of the greatest videos ever made, Everybody Hurts. *swoon*
I also bought Season 3 of Family Guy so I could finally drool over Brian again. Been watching some of that too but is weird without a squiZZ. Of course Brian is still delightful and Stewie an annoying little brat.
That was my day. Oh I cleaned the kitchen. I was gonna be creative.. I've wanted to be creative for days now.. but somehow my creative juices have been exhausted in some funny-poem-writing on PLOP.
God I really have nothing to say. Forgive me.
"and Stewie an annoying little brat"
you have no taste Ms wamwam, stewie is the bestttttttttttttttttt
You should post that poem in your blog, I like it a lot! I wish I would have thought of that, why do other people always take the good ideas
Posted by: Evelien at Wed September 8, 2004 12:15Our PLOP poems are all in German so can't post here. I mean I could but not many people would understand, and those who do know German can just... go to Plop!
Hmm I guess you're right. But I especially love that one that's called 'Daheimbleib-Tourismus', I thought it deserved a place on your wonderful blog :) I forgot that most people don't know German. Pity!
Posted by: Evelien at Wed September 8, 2004 20:45Yeah I know, it is a pity, hehe. Maybe I should start writing more in English but somehow I find it easier in German.
I find English easier because German grammar gets me frustrated. It was fun to read your poem in Luxemburgish (sp?), I never know what it was like but it's a lot like German and it reminds me of a certain Dutch dialect.
Posted by: Evelien at Thu September 9, 2004 9:25Ja Lux can sound a lot like Dutch actually.
Yeah German grammar is difficult to learn apparently but since I've spoken it since my youth (and Lux grammar is very similar), I've never really... had that problem.
Lucky you. The 'den der des dem' thing is just... terrying Must be really nice not to have a problem with that.