Category: Randomness | 21 Comments | Posted 0:36Give me eggs!! More eggs!!! NOW!!!!! I love eggs. I've also recently rediscovered milk. Maybe I should go live on a farm.
I went for another 2.5hr walk today. Whitehawk-Woodingdean-Rottingdean-Marina. Was fun. And I filled in yet another application form for yet another job I know I will not get. Why do I bother? You tell me.
I am so bored. Bedtime methinks. Anyone wanna go to work for me tomorrow? 1pm-8pm. I will be eternally grateful. Leave me a comment.
Eggs are from animals. Can't eat eggs.
Milk is from animals. Can't drink it.
Are they good? I forget!
A walk sounds fun. Especially for that long. Was it pretty?
You never know when your break will come so maybe it will be your lucky day and the job people will call you back.
Have fun at work. I like your idea of escaping by memorizing lines of art. I forgot what exactly it was you memorized before.
tra la la! bye bye!
Posted by: Jimmy at Mon September 6, 2004 2:06Hallo!
I'm at work and depressed! I'm not really fussed on eggs and milk.. ALTHOUGH I do like a bowl of cornflakes & cold milk.. I would like that now actually, but can't!
Blah! How long until Friday?
Posted by: Mel at Mon September 6, 2004 10:01Eggs are gross! They're the menstruational products of chicken
I just love milk... could drink milk all day. But eggs... I like to have them from time to time, but not too often.
Posted by: Suha at Mon September 6, 2004 10:44BTW, Clarissa, I received your package today! Thanks so much, it's really cute, and I love Winnie!! :)
Posted by: Suha at Mon September 6, 2004 10:45Hehehehe @ everyone.
Vegans are weird. You're missing out on so much Jimmy.
It's looong until Friday Mel...
@ Evelien, that doesn't really bother me as long as it tastes nice.
Glad you liked the present Suha
Blah! I need something to help me get through this day! That thing WAS "The Motorcycle Diaries" at the conema.. but that has now been cancelled!
Posted by: Mel at Mon September 6, 2004 12:57i love milk! eggs are just bad tho, except in cakes
I was out for breakfast yesterday and had 3 scrambled eggs. They were good. LOL
Posted by: Anne at Mon September 6, 2004 14:25I drink 8 litres of full cream milk per week.
Posted by: conquest at Mon September 6, 2004 14:43Me wants foood now too!!
Do I go to a Cardio class (whatever that is) or will I fly home to my nice Tescos ready meal???
Posted by: Mel at Mon September 6, 2004 17:15I hate milk, the sight of it makes me feel ill.Eggs on the other hand-yum! I eat loads of them: scrambled, fried, poached (dunno what that is but sounds interesting) or hard boiled. I don't think you're supposed to eat more than 4 in a week though so I'm a bout 3 times over the limit.
As for job interviews-hmm, well I do that so I can convince myself that I am 'trying' to find something new to do. Really I'm not ofcourse cus they are jobs that are entirely unsuitable. I'm not good when it comes to change. I just put stuff off.
Posted by: shazia at Mon September 6, 2004 18:49So what did you decide Mel?
@ Shazia. Four in a WEEK? I manage that many in a day
And as long as you can afford not finding anything suitable that's cool... I need money I'm afraid
egg yolk is high in cholesterol so you're not supposed to have too much eggs, but if you just eat the white you're fine lots of protein and only about 15cals per egg white
but yolk is best
egg white on its own is boooring. Or shall I say, lame!
I went home & ate!
And I also bought tickets for a Darren Hayes concert in November!
wow@darren hayes. I have just 'discovered' him! What a fantastic man he is
=>"Maybe I should go live on a farm."
A cardio class is one that stimulates your cardiovascular system, i.e. makes your heart work harder and helps to develop stamina and, normally, lose weight.