Category: Life & Me | 6 Comments | Posted 23:08I am (yet again) going to Nooooooooorway!!!!!!!!
3rd-8th October!!!! (smiley overkill I know)
Oh and I'm looking forward to tomorrow when we'll hopefully have the pics of the devastation Frances will have caused. I love natural disasters.
Work was shit today, am pissed off at them. But before work I went for a long walk, got a bit of a tan, some pictures taken, saw my cemetery again, and had a generally fab time. Tomorrow the experience shall be repeated!
PS daniel pretending to be squiZZ looks like Brian.
PS daniel pretending to be squiZZ looks like Brian.
can i see?
How do you get work to give you so much time off for all your holidays?!
Posted by: conquest at Sun September 5, 2004 9:16They don't. So far I've only had 2 days authorized (I've tried at least 8 times). Long live shift swaps!
Besides I only work 3 days a week don't I. Only need 2 days off for this trip for instance.
Posted by: Clarissa at Sun September 5, 2004 18:40