A Fun Family Day Out
Category: Life & Me | 10 Comments | Posted 20:45Today was Sunday - and a bank holiday weekend too! A perfect day for a family outing! And so it was with our little household too. It had been a long time since our last day out together. Consequently I wrapped up my BML in a warm jumper and packed her into my Lara for a trip to the lovely Lancing College Chapel...
You may recall that I had been there once before. I'd found it by chance when returning from Arundel with Craig. But as it is very pretty, and we had not had much time then, I had resolved to return.
So we drove, as is required to reach Lancing, on the A27 towards Worthing. There was a big commotion and confusing road signs, for right across from the little village there was a big RAF charity air show. And so it came that we took the wrong exit and found ourselves being directed by scary military people towards a parking space to attend said show. We found this rather amusing, until we were told to drive through a 'security check' and asked by a (thankfully friendly) lady if we had tickets for the event. Of course we had not, and with much blushing and giggling we explained our mistake. We were allowed to make a U-turn and drive straight out again.
We finally made our way to Lancing College. We were not alone there, for many people had chosen to observe the scary air show planes from the hill upon which the chapel sits, as it offers a good view of the surroundings (as well as the skies). We however turned our attention towards the chapel itself.

It looks most impressive from the outside. I strongly envy the little boys from the college who can call it their own. Spoilt little brats. I started out by signing the visitor's guestbook, in which I had written on my previous visit "I'll be back muahaha" - a comment which I could now complement with "Told you I'd be back!" Then I proceeded to take numerous pictures of the interior of the chapel, most of which are blurred because I am a dysmal photographer with shaky hands.

I was soon accosted by the little cleric guy who asked me if I had not been here before. This I admitted, praising the beauty of his church and thus explaining my repeated visit. He was a most pleasant man, I was merely a little apprehensive for fear that he would attempt to convert me to his faith or such like. He did not however (not yet, hehe).

The chapel has a beautiful rose window depicting the crests of the surrounding villages and random schools associated with Lancing College. Unfortunately this is defaced by an ugly scaffolding. At least it is green. The scaffolding, not the rose window. That, as you can see, is held mainly in blue hues.
After our tour of the chapel (venturing onto the altar and other areas I'm sure we were not meant to explore...), we joined the air show spectators outside and marvelled at some loud and scary flying objects with many a silly comment. We were hoping for a tragic accident of the kind that seem to happen rather frequently at such air shows - planes crashing into the watching masses, people burning and running around screaming, little children horribly disfigured and dozens of casualties - however we were disappointed.

We did however get to see this most amusing double-rotored (?) helicopter which entertained us with its strange buglike appearance (therefore named 'big bug'). You may view a small film of some of its stunts by clicking here (RealMedia, 31secs, 326KB) - particular attention should be paid to the hilariously embarrassing commentary by yours truly.
Soon enough it was time for us to return home, for we had to be back on time for the start of the popular soap Eastenders. We were in high spirits as we had had a most pleasant afternoon, and we resolved to repeat the experience soon.
PS I just had Fugees, Lauryn, Wyclef in a row on Launch. Woo!
LMFAAAAAO! OK I actually just laughed out loud at this entry - the formality of it all, when it was such an immature day... genius...
Anyway, scary big bug was just wrong, chapel was ok (purple...) and little man scared me.
A good day was enjoyed by all who matter.
Posted by: BML The at Sun August 29, 2004 22:34Waaa. I wanna go to England and see all the pretty chapels and art stuffs and stuff!!
Posted by: snow white at Mon August 30, 2004 0:17>> planes crashing into the watching masses, people burning and running around screaming, little children horribly disfigured and dozens of casualties - however we were disappointed.
Evil, evil evil!
Sounds like you had a blast, I used to hate getting dragged to the airshow by my parents when i was ickle and I always wished for crashes to happen, i think a crash did happen there a few years back.
weeee how fun!
"an Ally! how cute!
GO then! I mean.. COME! "
I really am looking into it...watch out England!!
Posted by: snow white at Tue August 31, 2004 11:56