So far then... (longer entry)
Category: Randomness | 7 Comments | Posted 22:00- I have told my mum about Riga. She wasn't particularly surprised, nor was she terribly interested. "oh yes, Lithuania isn't it?" - "Latvia actually" - "ah well, one of them anyway". She was surprised about the dissertation tho. She said she'd given it something like a 10% chance. Nice. Not that I had expected anything else from her (maybe that she'd put more trust in my fear of her expectations... ah but that's a complicated matter)
- I have booked a one day return on Eurotunnel for Sept 12th (for this is the cheapest way to travel). Straight to Paris to finally give my mum the holiday I've promised her for months and kept postponing cuz I had... other places to visit. Then to Lux where I have some matters to attend to, and returning to the UK on the 18th hopefully. I'd rather not go by car but by plane it's either unaffordable (€415 one way!!!) or unfeasible (Stansted to Hahn
). It's gonna be stressful but I'm very excited about Paris. It's been almost a year!
That's just wrong.
And I will see my Caroline again too!
- Er yeah that's pretty much it so far, except I've been chatting to people too, but I always do that. I've also bought some stuff for sending purposes. Maybe I'll go to Lancing Chapel tomorrow... if the weather is nice. And if I can be bothered. Otherwise I'll just read. Aaaah read...

I was very hyper when I got back from work earlier and was explaining to Lo how that's scary cuz it never lasts and after hyperness there's always downness, and so there is, but the downness isn't so bad right now. I am off until Friday now (since I will be "ill" on Monday ), and that is fun. The rest... can be ignored for a while. I deserve a break. Maybe I'll ring Christy and spend Tuesday night in Oxford. Maybe not. Next up is Vega. That too is exciting!
OK that's enough entry for you tonight! I'm still hoping I'll actually have something worthwhile to say one day. I am SO... knowledgeable and opinionated and wise and stuff. Hang on in there!
nice entry
You & I will both be leaving Jareth unattended. This troubles me.
Posted by: BML The at Sun August 29, 2004 13:10I need to update more but currently suffering from writers block and nothing interesting happening