And then there was...
Category: Randomness | 10 Comments | Posted 2:03Here's another rubbish update for you. I have the right to post shit for I am killing time. It's midnight, I am leaving for Heathrow Riga in roughly 3 hours. Ok I haven't actually started packing yet but that will take me like 30mins. So I have plenty of time. Plenty.
I have lost my Miseducation of Lauryn Hill CD. Now I wouldn't be too worried if it was only the CD as I tend to shove them in all sorts of places. But it's the CD, the sleeve AND the booklet. And that ain't so good. I want my Lauryn!!
[...] Um yeah I'm pretty much done packing. 1hr20mins to go. Been thinking about all the online people I've met since I first started using the Net in 1997. I tried to count but it's impossible, there are so many, especially with all the MJ events and also the Falco meetings. So only counting the ones I'd spoken to personally before meeting them (rather than on a messageboard or mailinglist) I got to around 40 (tho I'm convinced I missed some)... exactly 20 of which I have stayed with overnight (or they with me). 21 soon. And I am still alive!
My Lauryn CD has not turned up btw. *sigh* 1hr to go. Must shower and take travel sickness pills. God, I can't believe I thought I'd be working on my dissertation on the bus. I wonder if I can ask the driver to wake me up when we get to Heathrow. I love Michael Jackson btw. Also lots of other people, they're wonderful, I miss them and I wish things were easier. Deserted island is all I say. Aah to live in a dream world. Right, the end, I will go now, have fun y'all, be jealous for soon I will have a Lo, and don't miss me too much, I'll be back soon anyway.
PS Oh yes, while going thru old CDs today I came across the very first version of this site... from around March 2002. It's kinda fun, so for your viewing pleasure while I will be with my Lo (and updating less) here is ClarissaWeb 2002 - enjoy!! (Some of the links don't work and almost all the "external sites" on the right have moved. Don't miss the dropdown menus!)
PPS OMG I am so fucking tired!!!!
Hi Clarissa
Thanks for updating your journal before you left. I hope you have a great time. I know you will have a great time!
I relate to what you are saying so much. I want a dream world too. Where there is a lot of fantasy, magic, and music. It has to be a big island though. I want a tropical rain forest, a Norwegian forest, a place where the sun always shines, and a place where it rains gently so I can listen to it. I love the sound of rain, a tennis court, and all my friends. We never grow old and we live in happiness!
And I love Michael Jackson too.
see you soon Clarissa
Have a
Posted by: jimmy at Tue August 17, 2004 5:18ooops!.....have a nice trip....And I forgot to add I would like to have an organic food store so I will never run out of veggie burgers or rice cakes!....It's time to win the Poweball Jackpot.
Posted by: jimmy at Tue August 17, 2004 5:21Have a nice time :) And aaah, I remember that old site Cute
Thanks everyone!
I have a Lo!!!!!
You two should get your server working again
Out of all CDs you lost this one? I am sorry... I mean, this is probably one of the greatest albums of the last 10 years...
Posted by: Anne at Wed August 18, 2004 13:17
Well... I'm sure it is somewhere.