What was I THINKING!?
Category: Mon & Lo updates | 3 Comments | Posted 22:28So Mon is making me update. Well, she's not making me... well she tried to make me but then I got her to update first... so that makes it more fun. Her update is very cute but that was to be expected, her being the Mon that she is. And she even wrote more than 5 sentences (which was the mininum I had set her).
But that's not why I said "what was I thinking?" I said that because... well I was under the impression my flight(s) to Riga (via Vienna) were quite late on Tuesday. But I must have got that mixed up with the Norway one, because it is in fact quite early on Tuesday. 6.35am to be exact. Which means I have to catch the bus to Heathrow at 3.10am on Monday night. Thank God there are buses all through the night cuz otherwise I would have had to catch an even earlier one and stayed overnight at Heathrow... then again it doesn't really make much of a difference cuz 3.10 still means I won't get any sleep at all, unless I fall asleep on the coach itself, which wouldn't be a good idea cuz then I'd probably miss my stop and end up at Stansted or something like that.
Ja so as Mon said in her entry, and as I have said previously, I am going to Riga to visit Lo. Some people accuse me of travelling a lot or even too much. It's weird cuz I never was under that impression... but I guess depending on how you look at it I really do travel a lot. Never too much tho. And I'm only ever visiting friends so I get to stay over for free so I am entitled to travelling more. In September I'll go to Paris, finally.
And there's a few other places I need to go. I don't want a job.
Travelling is much more fun!
Is that enough entry?
WAM will be online in RIga too
Tho not all the time cuz sometimes must be polite and talk to her host
Yes WHAT were you thinking? tut-tut
Maybe you should just stay home? muahah