Late nights...
Category: Randomness | 7 Comments | Posted 1:43watching Ally (McBeal) - yes I know the joke is getting old - inspires all these really deep thoughts in me... about sanity, happiness, men, women, life, you know, all that existential stuff. Stuff like this:
Garble warble zant ya ya! Morgle bleee siddielah, furch hergromarch?? Neeeeh, krapeesh ter woasah! Freck drickle kro badoolie, ne wah simmeeee ferm shaiss broch feekee hums. Djo!
Märt hems purch kisgrow, heh hamma spue latt morgle ya. Ha. Nee yom ble furväckt soolie.
Exactly. All complete and utter rubbish.
(Any hidden messages are entirely unintentional.)
And WHOSE Ally DVDs might they be? WHOSE?? *cocks head to one side and makes tutting noises*
Say it with me one time people.
Posted by: BML The at Sun August 15, 2004 2:55I'm not sure what you found.
@ BML Me.
@ Matty. What-did-I-tell-you???