Update you lazy fucks!!!
Category: Randomness | 12 Comments | Posted 23:31I mean all you people in my links and the ones with secret diaries too. I am so fucking bored, I need entertainment!!!!!!!
Mhm. I've changed some things around on this here thing. Bit of a cleanup. Also out of boredom I guess. I am now learning Goethe's Faust by heart while I'm at work - keeps me occupied and trains my brain. *lol*
Only 4 days til I go to Riga to visit Lo now! Very soon and very scary as
1. I will totally miss my connecting flight in Vienna. (as only 30mins transfer time!)
2. I haven't found anyone to do my Friday shift yet. (I realised very late that it was so soon)
3. I am so not gonna finish my dissertation, ever. *sigh*
But I will be with a Lo and not hanging around here being so incredibly bored.
And now I am going to bed. Night!
Is so unfair. I want to go somewhere too.
Yeah! Like ME! Im counting the days now.
BTW. Ive updated my site now. With an away message. HAPPY?!
Posted by: Vega at Sat August 14, 2004 5:13Oh btw, must go to the .tk addy cause the ip addy is no more
Posted by: Vega at Sat August 14, 2004 5:14LOL @ Vega, I'd just changed it cuz you told LJ the .tk address never worked
@ Lo
err my new diary is nearly finished
will be up today!
Posted by: Tom at Sat August 14, 2004 12:21*looks at Aug 11th entry*
Did you go jogging in the end?
Posted by: BML The at Sat August 14, 2004 13:44Yea, I know... The .tk addy is a mystery to me. I'm installing my server again, but for now its not available.
Posted by: Vega at Sat August 14, 2004 20:47Grrrr @ Vega links NEVER working. I agree with Citz, after you said to use the IP, I changed it to that too Lemme go change it BACK.
I HOPE you're happy, young lady.