I have new hair
Category: Life & Me | 11 Comments | Posted 17:31Well a new hair colour. No, not even that, but a new shade of red anyway.So here's some before and after pics for you. Mhm.

Apart from that everything is fairly meh. I am very bored, I fucking hate my dissertation (13,590 words and not going anywhere), I miss my PetŪ and online is very slow and annoying. Actually, life is annoying. Might be PMT tho, who knows.
PS One year ago I was at my very first Placebo concert. *sob*
nice coloury top too
From a ginger to a flame-haired siren!!!!
Maybe I should dye me hair green and then we would look like a pair of Xmas decorations!!!!
Posted by: Mel at Thu August 12, 2004 23:33Love the hair! Just been watching a movie with Kate Winslet where she's looking like you.
Picture: http://www.joblo.com/newsimages2/piceternalsunshine.jpg
ja seen that film. Her hair colour is way more intense than mine tho.
WoW, Me likes alot!
Also im loving that top you have on, very glam.
Posted by: Matty at Fri August 13, 2004 11:40Citz....i never told you this before....but you look EXACTLY like a boss i had at work a few years ago.
And this hair colour makes you look even more like her.
I had a crush on her.
That's why i like you.