Done it again
Category: Life & Me | 8 Comments | Posted 23:44Just spent a fortune on Amazon. Well not a fortune but quite a bit anyway. You know when you really want one book and then they go "spend another £22.50 to qualify for Supersaver delivery" - can you resist!?!?! Well I can't! So 6 more books to add to my collection. I really have to find some book-swapping club around here... I'm sure that exists.
I've also been for a late night drive... I was gonna go for a walk along the sea but then it was raining and I don't like getting wet. Driving is only fun when it's fast, and the nearest motorway is quite far... but ah well, I raced up the A23 at 190kmh (118mph) instead. Not the whole time of course. Sometimes. It was exhilarating and only slightly scary (cuz dark and rainy). I'm not perfect but I am free.
Tomorrow I'll go jogging, and next month I'll go see a counsellor. Next year I'll go to Africa and next... er... decade everything will be sorted out. *lol*
Don't drive so fast!!
Exactly! Thats WAY too fast for drivig in the rain.
Posted by: Vega at Thu August 12, 2004 4:43I'm going to make a next week, next month, next year plan too!
And ja... don't drive so fast!
Posted by: Mel at Thu August 12, 2004 10:17Okay... don't drive fast unless I'm in the passenger seat enjoying it too!!
Posted by: Mel at Thu August 12, 2004 11:34I have a friend who gets turned on if she's in a car that goes really fast, epsecially if music is playing on a very loud volume.
Posted by: Vega at Thu August 12, 2004 14:44