I hate decisions
Category: Randomness | 11 Comments | Posted 13:48Shall I go for a jog?
Or for a swim in the sea?
Shall I have a bath?
Or dye my hair?
Shall I go to the bottle bank?
Or to Asda to ask about my leave?
Aah the amount of time wasted....
I don't care. I'm leaving next week!
I want it dyed "Tropical Green"
Posted by: Mel at Wed August 11, 2004 14:30wooooo that would be awesome!
Hehe @ leaving. I want a new job too
Posted by: Clarissa at Wed August 11, 2004 14:46I wonder if I could get away with green hair in my new job?? My boss is based in L.A. and my job doesn't require meet 'n' greet bollocks!!!
And if I get it done properly to avoid looking like an eco-warrior who hasn't showered in 6 months... maybe...
Posted by: Mel at Wed August 11, 2004 16:53And ja.... get a new job Citz!! You are capable of so much more!!!
Posted by: Mel at Wed August 11, 2004 16:53you could do a jog in the sea, whilst giving yourself a bath, (jogging to the bottlebank) whilst forgetting you ever mentioned Asda or your hair.
Posted by: Tom at Wed August 11, 2004 22:23 Hair half done. jogging in the sea is.. interesting but
And the bottlebank is in the wrong direction (not sea)
I wouldnt dare to take a swim in that water. Its too big and scary...
BTW - 11 days then Im in Brighton!!! Wheee!!
Posted by: Vega at Wed August 11, 2004 23:13