I hate decisions
Category: Randomness | 11 Comments | Posted 13:48Shall I go for a jog?
Or for a swim in the sea?
Shall I have a bath?
Or dye my hair?
Shall I go to the bottle bank?
Or to Asda to ask about my leave?
Aah the amount of time wasted....
I don't care. I'm leaving next week!
I want it dyed "Tropical Green"
wooooo that would be awesome!
Hehe @ leaving. I want a new job too
I wonder if I could get away with green hair in my new job?? My boss is based in L.A. and my job doesn't require meet 'n' greet bollocks!!!
And if I get it done properly to avoid looking like an eco-warrior who hasn't showered in 6 months... maybe...
Posted by: Mel at Wed August 11, 2004 16:53And ja.... get a new job Citz!! You are capable of so much more!!!
Posted by: Mel at Wed August 11, 2004 16:53you could do a jog in the sea, whilst giving yourself a bath, (jogging to the bottlebank) whilst forgetting you ever mentioned Asda or your hair.
Hair half done. jogging in the sea is.. interesting but
And the bottlebank is in the wrong direction (not sea)
I wouldnt dare to take a swim in that water. Its too big and scary...
BTW - 11 days then Im in Brighton!!! Wheee!!
Posted by: Vega at Wed August 11, 2004 23:13