Just a Teenage Dirtbag
Category: Life & Me | 3 Comments | Posted 19:30Ja so my week-end is over. Well technically it isn't of course as it is Sunday 7pm, but the stuff I did is all over - i.e. Kate has just gone home and I am home alone again. Not for long tho as my flatmate should be returning shortly. I also have a Mon again which is very nice.
I've been missing her.
She's not allowed to leave again.
I had an amazing time tho. So Saturday I went to Pride and met up with Matty and also met his dog and his boyfriend and other friends, who were all rather lovely. And I peed under a trailer and got a bit burnt and had a bit to drink and took some pics but not enough, and I had to leave again soon cuz I didn't wanna skip work. Which is very sad cuz I had a great time and I can't say often enough how lovely Matty is, and I really really really hope they'll move down here soon (and I ain't saying that to suck up). Having him around here would be pretty awesome.
Hm yeah so then I went to work - I was slightly drunk, which made it less boring I suppose, lol. Work was ok but not worth writing about.
Today Kate was here, which was fab too. It was very hot, we went shopping and sat on the beach and had sarnies at Frank-in-Steine and came home and looked at pics.... and chatted loads of course. Kate is wonderful too, I miss her sometimes, but at least she's in Southampton, so very near. I miss Joanne too, and she's in Hong Kong. Soon I won't have to miss Aspa anymore tho, cuz she'll be back in Brighton to do a PhD hopefully. (Kate, Joanne and Aspa are all uni friends and ex-housemates)
@ drunk at work
lmfao @ "And I peed under a trailer and got a bit burnt