Found Photos
Category: The Web | 7 Comments | Posted 19:32This site shows private pictures randomly stolen from people on p2p filesharers.
I had some pics from New Year's Eve in Norway downloaded off me a couple of months back. Maybe they're on there? If anyone can be bothered to go through 40 pages to check, feel free. I won't - they weren't of me!
I've checked a few of those pics - nothing very exciting though... I mean, they're very decent!
You little perve. Ja I think the guy filtered out the filth. I remember playing the game myself once (downloading random pics off random people) and I got almost exclusively porn!
lol, luckily I wasn't there at new years.
Posted by: tris at Fri August 6, 2004 20:59not found any Norway yet but I have found a certain MJ fan:
Posted by: squiZZle at Sun August 8, 2004 15:07