I am invincible
Category: Me about me | 2 Comments | Posted 23:52I've just been for a late night walk, along the sea, through the little lanes off Madeira Drive, all in utter darkness and completely alone. It is dangerous I know. Someone could have mugged or raped me. But I was walking along and I was not afraid. I could have been anyone. I was who I pretended to be. And I pretended I had no reason to be afraid - so I wasn't.
Why be vulnerable?
Why be honest?
I am who I want to be.
So it goes. That used to be me. Pretending. Putting on an act. And I thought I'd found that it was wrong. Damned indecision and cursed pride. I remember thinking that and regretting. Feeling that I'd missed out on something. But I know now that I was right back then.
So there we go.
I am who I pretend to be.
And I am invincible.
Never again honest.
Never again vulnerable.
Is this a NoPoMoPo (Non Postmodern poem) or a Placebo song or the truth?