60 words...
Category: Life & Me | 17 Comments | Posted 17:37... is what I've written today (dissertation you know). That's not so very impressive, and I am fast approaching the "ah well, too late in the day to start trying now" line... in fact I think I have crossed it already (and I guess the fact that I've just turned my Launch back on and am writing this entry is proof of that).
I have however been to the beach again, and swimming in the sea twice, which was hugely amusing! The waves were quite high and I was squealing with delight (I really was! don't laugh!). I love the sea. I love the fact that I live 5mins' walk from the sea. I love swimming and paddling in the sea. I love the sea. Oh and I did the dishes. I am so good. *lol*
Also today I got my mp3 player which I bought on eBay the other day. It is very funkay and has lots of useless but fun features (like phonebook, lyrics display..) and also some useful ones - FM radio and sound recording... oh and it plays mp3s too. And wma. All quite nifty. I should go out for a jog now with my new fun player.
Did I tell you I am very excited about next weekend? I think I mentioned it in the video entry. Ja so Brighton Pride and Matty and Kate and stuff!
Oh and guess what.. my uncle is currently visiting my mum to buy her a laptop (she has one from work but... well is complicated, anyway she wants her own) and to initiate her into the secrets of the Internet. I am fairly sure she will be intimidated and confused and give up on it 2 days after he leaves, but I am also a bit scared that she'll come across this little site before that. My uncle knows I am Clarissa online, he might wanna show her her daughter's little home on the Web!?
Maybe I should delete all entries pertaining to a certain... very high Google result of mine, if you know what I mean.
Er yeah that's all for now. Off to Asda now with my new mp3 player. Oh, visit Tom's diary, he finally has an About Me section now. (as well he should!! )
Thanks for the mention. o yeh im afraid of the sea, lol. i also have an MP3 player too
Posted by: Tom at Wed August 4, 2004 18:42that post was by me :)
Posted by: tom at Wed August 4, 2004 18:43LOL ja I guessed so added your name
(so now I could delete your 2nd comment... and NOT write this one... but this way I look more popular )
And oooh @ being afraid of the sea. So is LJ.
i like your thinking. lol.
Posted by: tom at Wed August 4, 2004 19:15oohhh..how exciting. I bought the exact some mp3 player from ebay today too. Except it's black instead.
Posted by: Dave at Wed August 4, 2004 20:38that is moderately freaky. weird tho cuz mine only exists in blue and red
@ mum finding. That's my worst nightmare. Mind you, you have all those "my mum is a bitch" entries...
that was what I was TALKING about. Which is why I didn't SAY it so she doesn't stumble on it in the very LATEST entry.
and a NEW design.
me likes.
Posted by: tom at Wed August 4, 2004 22:58Hi Babes. Sorry I missed you on the phone. But you went swimming, which is great... and which I'm slightly jealous of (the sea). You know, I got this MP3 player in blue...
LOL @ your Mum finding out....that would require some explaining....you may need to rename yourself.
How exactly did your uncle find out about Clarissa?
And how do you know he hasn't been visiting your site all this time?
Hehe @ Val, ja I know.
Conquie, I used to have him on ICQ and my name was Clarissa there too. He may have been visiting all along but I doubt he's interested.
Thanks Mel
"weird tho cuz mine only exists in blue and red"
Make me look like a tit why don't you...