Oh the mehness
Category: Life & Me | 9 Comments | Posted 23:15Blah. Headaches suck. Been unproductive again (and I really can't afford to), spent most of the day in bed (headaches suck...) and some online... with nothing much to do... have dragged myself out of bed now cuz I guess I won't be able to sleep at all otherwise, but online is boring, no one on to talk to and nothing else to do and meh and ugh. Ja and headaches suck. Ah I love whingeing. I want my Mon back. *sigh*
I also want to go to another Placebo concert, like, badly, but there ain't none except for those 2 damn festivals and I can't really be bothered paying for lots of bands I don't like to see 30mins of Placebo or sth. Maybe I'll change my mind if I get more desperate. But they're right before my dissertation deadline too. Meh. Incidentally, this time last month I was at a Placebo concert. Well it was over by now but anyway. Was nice. Sigh.
come to Leeds and meeeeeet ME!
anyways it will probs be more than 30 mins.
Posted by: Tom at Wed August 4, 2004 1:04"Incidentally, this time last month I was at a Placebo concert. Well it was over by now but anyway. Was nice. Sigh. "
I KNEW you would say that! was actually gonna add "even if I go to one of the festivals it will be Reading"
Leeds is just too far away.
Eeek avoid Reading its horrible i went there to see Marilyn Manson and Eminem (not a fan anymore god knows what i was thinking?) Its horrible horrible horrible!
Posted by: Matty at Wed August 4, 2004 12:31well Leeds rules.
yes squiZZ come to Leeds