One entry, two pics
Category: Photolog | 15 Comments | Posted 23:27
Ja so was bored and arranged some of my books in a nice colourful way.

Saturday is Pride Parade so the Pavillion is pink. How fucking cool?!

Barbie house!! Lets move in and have a party!
Posted by: Vega at Mon August 2, 2004 23:29LMAO @ Barbie
Me and my girls have ALWAYS wanted to move into the Pavillion. Would be very nifty!
ps. i wanna arrange my books like that too. if I only had the PATIENCE. It could take as long as... um... fifteen minutes!!
Posted by: Vega at Mon August 2, 2004 23:30lol! bet it was. you wouldnt have done it if it had taken longer time. ok, i'll shut it.
Ohhh me likes the neon pick Pavillion, how very camp! Cant wait to see it on Saturday. xxx
Posted by: Matty at Tue August 3, 2004 13:28Well you know where to find it
1hr20mins from Kings Cross!
Right now i have £50 in my banck account to do me for 2 weeks (until I get paid). Minus £47.60 for two weeks transport I think it is unlikey I will be able to afford a train ticket to Brighton!
I bought the Donna Tartt book while I was in England last year. I never got past the first 30 pages or so, though. Is it any good?
Posted by: Anne at Wed August 4, 2004 7:57No
It was one of the few books I didn't read until the end. Was a big success tho so other people must have liked it lol.
i love your pics. me and steve took heaps last night and of a gang of "chavscum" peeing in unison up the pavillion building just before the security came out. tip: go on to the grass in front of the pavillion and get your mates to stand right in front of the lights (red, cerise or lilac) and then take some pics of them all lit up insanely brightly with the pavillion behind. wear lightish clothes. these pics will be your best ever pics ever. ever!!! also sit cross legged in fron of the small pond just in front of the perimetr fence dead central to the pavillion - if you get down really low there is an upsidedown reflection of the pavillion that looks so cool as if it is an underground world or a gateway to another dimension. no we weren't on drugs but we may be at the weekend. teehee. nice blog. me like.
Posted by: David Perkins at Wed August 4, 2004 23:26