Search Engine Referrals
Category: The Web | 16 Comments | Posted 14:03Always fun fun. Well I find them so anyway.
(all links go to Google tho not all referrals come from there)
slave clarissa (top result tho!!)
i hate my dissertation
faith in god (lolol. poor person)
how s brian molko in real life
wheeeeeeeeeee video lol.
motorola v220 comments (no2 result!!)
saggiest breasts well thank you!
bortoqala (only one result - thanks Kal! *hehe*)
do norwegians wear nike shoes LOLOLOL. I believe they do.
clarissa brighton squiz *giggle* again thanks to Kal!
smuggling peanuts LMFAO WTF!? (apparently it's a band)
mostar sanja lol *waves at Sanja*
skyler s humps cats LMFAO!!
beautiful nudes of the U.K. rrright...
google manipulates rankings against michael moore it does?
fetish breaking things ooookay...
wammy heeheehee @ Kal
my head is empty my commiserations
gloria allred hyundai I am worried, very worried!
without a padded bra *snigger*
george bush fanciable oh please!
where in buckinghamshire does angelina jolie live I wouldn't mind knowing myself
And of course still
i hate my mum (not top result anymore tho!)
blowjob (tho still not found the engine that actually lists me there!)
PS i hate sky
i hate being broke
i hate being a cashier
God I am so full of hate
So where in Buckinghamshire DOES Angelina Jolielive??
(BTW: Had an uninteresting dream once that me C was stranded in Buckinghamshire by so-called-friends of his and I had to go out there to rescue him No Angelina though
I dunno @ Angie, you find out for me!
LOL @ dream, how very cute
That's funny. Server stats, do you need a special program for that or can anyone just look at it? I don't think my site is listed at search engines anyway, at least I didn't put it up.
Posted by: Evelien at Wed July 28, 2004 20:16sometimes your host provides, but you can also install a counter
Posted by: Clarissa at Wed July 28, 2004 23:54Ah, thanks. I think my counter doesn't keep such stats. Oh well :)
Posted by: Evelien at Thu July 29, 2004 13:59It does??? Why have I never noticed this before!!!!! I'm a Duh-Brain!
Posted by: Mel at Thu July 29, 2004 14:18Seriously? Because I use sitemeter. I guess you have to log in at their homepage to see all those things?
Posted by: Evelien at Thu July 29, 2004 17:36"mostar sanja"
Hmmm, who searched for this? I didn't
no idea. maybe someone was looking for another Sanja from Mostar. I'm sure you're not the only one
Certainly not...LOL, I know a few of them.
Posted by: Sanja at Wed August 4, 2004 16:51