Thursday July 15, 2004
Puts a smile on my face...
Category: Life & Me | 7 Comments | Posted 21:03- Meeting Matty on Saturday!!
- Monday I'll have a Mon!!!
- Tuesday I'll have a d
- Going to Riga to visit Loooo!!
(and not cancelling - promise!!!)
- PS Meeting Matty on Saturday.
I'm off now to singing in a gospel choir... in front of LOADS of people!!!
Posted by: Mel at Fri July 16, 2004 17:26I'm back!!! That was fun! We (the beginner group) made a couple of mistakes.. but that was to be expected.
Wooo... put me back in front of a microphone someone PLEASE!!!!
the smilies dont look so hot atop a black bg. but hey, am glad to be back reading you my dear SM.. and i just did an update. the story behined the photo shoot in question will be answered shortly. the only two things i can reveal about it now that it was a fairly famous photographer and 2- it was VERY spare of the moment!
Posted by: Kid Kal at Sat July 17, 2004 7:34Yeah I know about the smileys, I have thought that myself. Not much I can do tho - I want the black
Off to check your update now!