Absurd LJ thing
Category: Memes | 9 Comments | Posted 14:59(bored? Me? Never!)
1. Take your LJ username and replace each letter with the corresponding number (A=1, B=2, etc...). If your name contains numbers, you'll need to convert them to letters first before you can convert to numbers.
C=3 L=12 A=1 R=18 I=9 S=19 S=19 A=1 W=23 A=1 M=13
I don't have that name registered on LJ but if I did have a non-secret LJ login, that would be it of course.
2. Add all of the numbers together to create a kind of super number.
3. Make a note of the first digit of this number, then add the digits of the number together.
1.... 9
4. Find the post of this number in your LJ. If you don't have that many posts, add the digits together again. Keep doing so until the number is smaller than your pathetic number of posts.
This one's a bit tricky... which one do I choose? Out of MT or back from the early days? Let's go with that...
:: 20Apr02 :: First off, I've been on KOP (don't kill me Karin!!!) - ONLY to check the pics of MJ arriving at the American Bandstand tho! And I did NOT check any of the other threads tho I found some of them veeeery tempting ;)
Secondly, I've been to Oxford today with Ian and had a GREAT time. (see I'm only writing this cuz I know he'll be reading it at some point ;) j/k) Honest tho, it was so cool and he's such a great guy. Mucho fun - and sooooo patient with a crazy girl and her shopping urges ;) Oh oh, and I must say that I am DARN proud of my li'l car, it was in top shape today and raced along like some - rocket ;) I love it.
Oh, and some praise for Lauryn Hill's To Zion - an INCREDIBLE song!! It's about her son, and basically takes a position I can't relate to AT ALL - beauty of motherhood, child gift if God, use your heart, not your head... but it's SOOO darn beautiful that it still moves me to tears after 4 years. I love her ok? :)
5. Take the digit you noted in step 3, and count that many words into the post.
1, so... "first"
6. Use the resulting word in a Google Image Search, and select a picture from the first page.
Um they're all rather shit Anyway....

I thought this was going to be about weird BML stuff!
Muito disappointed!
Bloody hell, I thought this was going to be about me too. Although, it doesn't have the dots...
Posted by: The BML at Tue July 6, 2004 19:58Although I'm a bit worried about the tra-la-la-ing.
Posted by: The BML at Tue July 6, 2004 22:21