Tuesday June 29, 2004
Whack your head with a hammer
Category: Life & Me | 10 Comments | Posted 18:45You know... it feels so good when it ends.
I've had the most horrific start of a day. Woke up with a headache - one of them nasty ones that you just know you'll be stuck with all day. All the same I dragged myself to the recycling center, to uni (to do laundry) and even into town (to buy Afrodisiac). By the end I was feeling sick, dizzy and generally quite awful, so crawled back to bed of course.
But guess what? It's much better now, so even though I only feel "normal" really, compared to 3hrs ago I feel great! Hoovered the hall, the kitchen and my room, and now I'm listening to Brandy.
Only the dishes need doing now and the flat will be impeccable. Woo!
Aren't you happy for me? Knew it.
PS squiZZ