Category: Life & Me | 2 Comments | Posted 21:50Ja so Citz is back from London where we enjoyed a fantastic concert by the amazing
Alicia Keys
- she is sooooo cute and lovely and perfect and adorable and I want one. LJ and I will buy her and keep her as a Pet. Seriously she is soooo adorable!!!!!
And perfect! I want her eyes!! And she has a very droolable neck too! So yes. AliciaPet®.
Um apart from that I'd like to say Mel and Kat and Jenny and Kelly are lovely, I had a great time, but I don't like London. Hehe. Yeah but Alicia... (ahem
The weather is shite. I hope it's gonna get better. I'm truly hating this. Monday is my last day at work. We're meant to go round Daniel's tonight but I can't see it happening. Wednesday I will have a squiZZPet®!
I was gonna get AliciaPet® and squiZZpet® to breed but my co-owner (of AliciaPet®) wasn't taken with the idea and squiZZ has very bad taste and finds Alicia "weird" - how dare he - so I guess it ain't gonna happen.
(yeah come and lock me up! I dare ya! I'm insane and proud of it!!)
>>We're meant to go round Daniel's tonight but I can't see it happening.
PS. Aliciaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!