*crawls out of bed*
Category: Life & Me | 26 Comments | Posted 22:09It's never a good idea to sleep during the day. Well isn't really day but wasn't a good idea anyway. Takes sooooo long to come back to life. Might just return back to sleep soon.
I decided I needed a bookcase today. I went to Argos and basically bought the cheapest one they had (with the measurements I needed). I've never put together a bigger piece of crap. The holes for the screws were less than half the size they should be and when I forced (not an easy task with no electric screwdriver) the whole thing just fell to pieces. Ah well it looks ok from the front now and it stands. Just about.
It's raining and I don't like rain. Another reason to return to bed. I've handed in my application for study leave today. I even told my mum about it and surprisingly she didn't bite my head off. She thinks learning Arabic is a very bad idea tho and that I should learn Spanish at least. What makes Spanish any more useful than Arabic? Esp. considering South America is doubtlessly the continent I am least interested in.
Um yeah. What an exciting life. Thursday I'm helping Daniel with his move (van rental! woo!
) and Friday we're off to London (Alicia Keys! Woo!
). The rest of the week (before the Pet®
arrives) will be spent cleaning this place and working on the dissertation. No honest. Well one can hope.
PS I hate rain.
I give you my complete and utter support for learning one of the most beautiful languages on earth. and I offer you my utter most respect and tutoring ability for free.
Posted by: Kid Kal at Wed June 23, 2004 7:22-I might get that bookcase too!
- Heh-heh @ cute "Woo" link!
- Ja, I support you learning Arabic too (although I think you should learn Portuguese first! ).
You should definately do more entries with links to everything youre mentioning. It was fun!
Posted by: Vega at Wed June 23, 2004 10:34Hehe thanks @ Kal. Might still oblige Lo tho and do Russian.. have yet to decide.
Cute Mel & ja I had fun too Vega so might do again
Aye, mine looks good too. But don't look too closely
Your mum is right, you really should learn Spanish. It's such a beautiful language. And if you know Spanish, you can also understand a little bit Italian and read a bit Portuguese. And you can go to Spain. *g*
Oh, and you can even learn Spanish online: http://www.studyspanish.com/. This is a pretty good site with sound files, vocabulary, grammar...
BTW, why don't you learn Arabic AND Spanish? There are many Arabian words in the Spanish language (you know, because of the muslims in Spain in I-forgot-which-centuries).
Yeah, that's it. Learn Spanish! Do it! S-P-A-N-I-S-H. *ahem*
Posted by: Katja at Wed June 23, 2004 16:32I know Italian (and with it and my Latin I can understand a bit of spanish, lol) and I dislike Portuguese.
I have no interest in Spanish.
Katja: you know, because of the muslims in Spain in I-forgot-which-centuries
It was 711AD.
There be LOTS of Arabic words in Spanish: alcohol (err..alcohol), embarazada (pregnant), guitarra (guitar), masje (massage), naranja (orange), fulano (what's-his-name lol!)
I have loads more!
"There be LOTS of Arabic words in Spanish: alcohol (err..alcohol), embarazada (pregnant), guitarra (guitar), masje (massage), naranja (orange), fulano (what's-his-name lol!)"
none of those words are Arabic! Alcohol is "Kohool"- pregnant is "Hamila", massage is "Rissalah" - orange is "Bortoqala"...
oh And I am in the process of learning Biosnian. I love that languge!
Posted by: Kid Kal at Wed June 23, 2004 20:21They're not????
I've been cheated!
*throws books out of the window*
Posted by: Mel at Wed June 23, 2004 20:36Did you say Bosnian?
Posted by: Sanja at Wed June 23, 2004 20:46That happens to be my native language, most of you probably know it as Serbo-Croat (ex-Yugoslavia), but now that Bosnia is independent we call it Bosnian
P.S.: I'm sure you looked for my IP and figured it out, that's probably why you mentioned it here, but never mind, you could have just asked me
Kal if you add an article to Kohool you get al-kohool no?
Sanja Kal can't view your IP so he has no idea where you're from but I checked a while back
Bosnian or Serbo-Croatian respectively is a beautiful language Very fascinating indeed. If I learn a new language, that's what it'll be. Will be useful in my job too
Citz: that comment of your mum is typical - typical for mums or "grown-ups" I mean I think my mum once recommended the same.
Here are 2 reasons why I think you should learn Arabic:
1. you want to (and that's the only way you can really learn a language)
2. it is certainly useful nowadays with all that attention paid to the Middle East
"Sanja Kal can't view your IP so he has no idea where you're from but I checked a while back"
I thought so
"Bosnian or Serbo-Croatian respectively is a beautiful language"
Thanks, Val
Hey Sanja, I'm going to Croatia this summer, so maybe you can pre-teach me some useful expressions
Ah....Alicia Keys *sigh* the ENVY!
Have fun!
Posted by: Jster at Thu June 24, 2004 15:47The Jster is coming to London to watch the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Can't have it all eh.
Sure Val, I can teach you anything you want. Just ask whatever you need to know. But we can't meet, because I'm not going to Croatia