I suck IV
Category: Me about me | 39 Comments | Posted 4:31and I lie. (lie lied lied, not lie lay lain)
I hate myself but don't tell anyone! They're not gonna find out!!!
[edit 10hrs later] ok, slight correction: maybe I lie. [/edit]
shouldn't this be "I suck IV" ?
Ja but this sucking is not Mon-related for once so it's a different kind of sucking.
But yeah maybe it should. For the sake of consistency and all. *changes entry title*
Posted by: Clarissa at Sat June 19, 2004 4:49Ja, previous entries about my sucking were generally related to Mon.
Posted by: Clarissa at Sat June 19, 2004 13:38I don't get the "lie lied lied" thing. What are the differences between "lied" and "lied" ?
lie lied lied - saying things which are not true
lie lay lain - being horizontal eg. on a bed
one can also lie one the floor.
Posted by: d at Sat June 19, 2004 19:00Yes, J, you smartarse, that's why Citz wrote "e.g." in bed!
But I'm @the "lying" thing. Thought you were always VERY honest, Citz, and that'd be why you suck
Mel I KNOW that much.
What I ASKED was the difference between "lied" and "lied" - where you have put "lie lied lied". What's the difference between the first and second "lied"?
Val, who's J?
Posted by: The BML at Sat June 19, 2004 19:54Clever Lo
Val meant to write d.
And Val, it was Mel who said the bed thing, not me
>> Yes, d, you smartarse, that's why Citz wrote "e.g." in bed!
Posted by: d at Sat June 19, 2004 21:53... like citzy just said
I'd appreciate it if people didn't credit MY GENIUS to Citzy! She's smart enough!
And yes, I take d's comment of how one "can also lie one the floor" as a perfectly good example too. Congratulations!
Posted by: Mel at Sun June 20, 2004 0:27 alright, alright, I'll keep quiet next time
"lie, lay, lain" or "lie, lied, lied" that's the way we learn verb tenses as foreign learners of English - mostly imporntant for irregular verbs. Isn't that what you do in England/Scotland?
God knows, I never listened in school.
I still don't get the difference between lied and lied. Gimme a sentence with each?
Posted by: The BML at Sun June 20, 2004 13:28"Lie, lied, lied" is just like "see, saw, seen". If you want to know the difference between the first and second "lied", just try to use "saw" and "seen" in a sentence. First "lied" is used like "saw", and second "lied" is used like "seen".
Posted by: Sanja at Sun June 20, 2004 18:19Yeah, there is "I lied" and "I have lied". The two "lied"s are actually 2 different words, even though they're spelled the same.
Posted by: Woods at Sun June 20, 2004 21:49Exactly.
1.) "I lied to you yesterday." (simple past tense)
2.) "I have never lied to you." (present perfect tense)
P.S.: Another proof that foreigners speak English better than the native speakers LOL.
What did you call me? X-(
Posted by: Sanja at Mon June 21, 2004 14:12(That was supposed to be the angry face)
Posted by: Sanja at Mon June 21, 2004 14:13I was going to say the same thing, Sanja. I did learn English grammar but never heard of these different tenses until I studied other languages! So if it wasn't for the ol' French and Spanish teacher I wouldn't have a sausage what was going on here!
LMAO @ Mel.
(sorry Sanja but that was funny )
And Sinead you have a weird way of learning grammar then
LOL I think it's cos these rules don't apply to you if you know English already and just want to improve grammar. But if you're learning a diff language then you have to know this stuff.
Posted by: Woods at Mon June 21, 2004 17:41You know what Mel, your mother is a twat. Sorry, but I don't let people call me names. Frankly, I don't give a shit what you think about me, but that's just the way it is.
Yes, you can all be mad at me if you want, but the fact is that native English speakers have NO idea about their grammar. If you ask a native speaker what 'present perfect' means, they will probably tell you that it means that it is sunny today. We always had to learn all the verb tenses and other things in our language (and it's much harder than English), so I can't believe that native English speakers don't get introduced to their own grammar.
Didn't mean to offend anyone, that was just my observation. She's the one who offended me.
Posted by: Sanja at Mon June 21, 2004 20:26I hope it's a she...lol, there is also Mel Gibson and he's male
I have yet to find out wether I'm a "she" or a "he". I'll let you know in due course.
Pardon my english (I'm a retarded native english speaker who probably doesn't know what the Passive Voice is), I meant "whether"... or maybe I meant "weather"...
If only I wasn't so insanely stupid!
I wasn't referring to you personally when I said that, but MOST native English speakers suck at spelling & grammar.
Posted by: Sanja at Wed June 23, 2004 16:08