And on it goes...
Category: Rants & Raves | 3 Comments | Posted 23:11Sometimes I have nothing to say and sometimes I have 3 different entries swirling around my head but then I don't wanna write 3 cuz people only read the most recent one and the only reason I write in here is because I want people to read it. Hehe.
So quickly before I launch into my rant&rave, here's the most important update about my life: looks like I ain't quitting my job after all cuz Julie suggested I take study leave instead. didn't know that was possible at such short notice, but would be stupid not to do it. I said I needed a full time job in August and didn't wanna do checkouts FT and she said I didn't have to. obviously means "you can do bakery/grocery whatever too" but I'd be stupid to quit if I can have the safety of returning there. can always quit later. and they have graduate programme etc too that I could look into.
Now my rant&rave... about "9/11 Panel Finds No Collaboration Between Iraq & Al Qaeda" and the hypocritical two-faced fuss that is being made about that at the moment. PUR-FUCKING-LEASE! WE ALL KNEW THAT ANYWAY!!!!! Maybe part of the US public didn't cuz they blindly believed what their monkey told them, but the Bush administration knew it, and the rest of the world knew it. The very press that is denouncing it now knew it. Moby, who is doing nothing but ranting about it, knew it.
We all knew about the bigotry and double standards of this war from the beginning. We cried injustice of course, but we did little else. So now we cry injustice a little louder, but we're doing little else. Moby can lecture about high treason and the crimes of the Bush administration all he wants, we know nothing is gonna happen. The US aren't gonna change their strategy, and no one can do ANYTHING AT ALL about it - that's the way it is, and that's the way it will be. We're all sucking up to them for fear of being left out. The US will keep waging war on the countries that are in its way (and backing Israel in their injustices against the Palestinians), Europe will keep kissing Bush's monkey arse, and those like Germany or France who dare object from time to time will make sure they reinforce what great friends the US are on the very next occasion.
So I'm fatalistic, pessimistic, whatever, but ain't it the truth? In theory we have the power to change things but in practice nothing is gonna change, cuz people only get off their lazy arses if they're in really deep shit. The French Revolution wouldn't have happened if people hadn't been literally dying of hunger. And we are still far too well off to bother. The threat of (serious) economic decline and poverty is looming, but it is still remote and insignificant.
Yawn. Will be interesting to see what happens once we have actually run out of everyone's beloved oil. Won't be that long now. Ah well. At least, as my mum said, once we have a real war on there won't be no more time for mental depression and self-absorption. And it's high time, says my mum.
Yeah I know what you mean... it all seems so futile even feeling strongly about it, because nothing will change so you'll just ALWAYS be frustrated and annoyed.
*lol* @ mum comment tho. Nice little way to end that entry