Category: Randomness | 22 Comments | Posted 22:16There is nothing to say about me so let's talk about you.
Is there any one book that has 'changed your life'?
What do you think would make you happy?
Do you think true (lasting) happiness exists?
Do you like your name? What would you rather be called?
If I gave you £1000 on the condition that you spent it right now, what would you buy?
Ideal living arrangements? Ideal place to live?
What would you be if you were...
• a colour
• a scent
• an animal
The end for I can't think of any more. You go now.
OK well you already know what I'd answer for each of these but anyway:
Is there any one book that has 'changed your life'?
I don't think they CHANGED it, but Elidor/The Chronicles of Narnia certainly affected it in some way.
What do you think would make you happy?
Do you think true (lasting) happiness exists?
For some people, yeah. Unfortunately I'm not one of them, so I guess nothing ever will.
Do you like your name? What would you rather be called?
HATE it. I used to like Jordan until THE Jordan came out... maybe Dylan or sth...
If I gave you £1000 on the condition that you spent it right now, what would you buy?
I'd book the plastic surgeon.
Ideal living arrangements? Ideal place to live?
Well obviously America but since that isn't going to happen... anywhere. With a garden.
What would you be if you were...
• a colour purple
• a scent raspberry
• an animal panther
Well that wasn't predictable!
Now you need to answer them
Thanks for your answers
I don't think I'll answer them tho. Most of them I don't know the answer.
"Is there any one book that has 'changed your life'?"
Sweet Valley High.
Mel the whore should come on MSN. Not seen her in ages.
I know. She's a pathetic blowjobbing excuse for a friend.
Let's kill her.
Posted by: The BML at Fri June 18, 2004 1:041. That WAS a serious answer
2. I just signed on MSN and you guy aren't there. What's all that about?
3. Kill me & you have no place to stay after the AK concert. My coffin will take up a lot of room in the flat!
Posted by: Mel at Fri June 18, 2004 1:19>>Is there any one book that has 'changed your life'?
>> What do you think would make you happy?
Lots of money, and I want to be smb else.
>>Do you think true (lasting) happiness exists?
As long as there're people who say they are happy
>>Do you like your name? What would you rather be called?
No. Lo?
>>If I gave you £1000 on the condition that you spent it right now, what would you buy?
Is it enough for a trip around the world? Anyway I'd like to travel...and visit Citz.
>>Ideal living arrangements? Ideal place to live?
I'd like to be able to live wherever I want at the moment.
>>What would you be if you were...
• a colour - indigo
• a scent - chocolate
• an animal - a black cat (who walks by herself)
Cuuuuuuute Lo!!!
(and no, it's not enough for a trip around the world, so you'll have to settle for visiting me! )
And cute Mel for replying in her blog
And ahem yeah, we went to bed after that
Whats the difference between indigo and purple? ...a picture with both colors would help!
This is indigo This is purple
(according to IE, or whatever browser you're using. LOL)
Posted by: Clarissa at Fri June 18, 2004 12:09Book: I am David by Anne Holm. I read it purely because the character was called David (I was only 10 at the time), and in the end up it did change my life.
Make me happy: I don't know right now...I think just not having to worry about money all the time would be a good place to start.
Lasting Happiness: Yeah, it exists.
Name: Yeah, I'm happy with my name. I think it suits me...I am a Dave. Hmmm.
£1000 right now: I'd by something for £1000...then sell it so I get more time to spend my money :)
Living: I'd love to live in Canada. It's like the States, only better.
Colour: Blue
Scent: Beer
Animal: Horse
OMG! I am David! I read that book like 15yrs ago! Wow.
Posted by: Clarissa at Fri June 18, 2004 12:37Hm... Indigo confuses me. Sometimes it looks like very dark purple and sometimes it just looks blue. Maybe Im semi color blind or something. Thx for your pics!
Indigo IS blue, just not any blue but dark blue.
"1. a. Any of various shrubs or herbs of the genus Indigofera in the pea family, having odd-pinnate leaves and usually red or purple flowers in axillary racemes.
b. A blue dye obtained from these plants or produced synthetically.
Any of several related plants, especially those of the genera Amorpha or Baptisia.
3. The hue of that portion of the visible spectrum lying between blue and violet, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 420 to 450 nanometers; a dark blue to grayish purple blue. "
I had the Indigo Rainbow Brite doll when I was a child! My sister had the boring red one!
I want one now.. *runs to eBay*
Posted by: Mel at Fri June 18, 2004 14:39Indigo doll >>
Posted by: Mel at Fri June 18, 2004 14:42But if indigo is dark blue, how come its dark purple sometimes then? It shouldnt have any elements of red in it, right?
The night pictures look dark blue to me, but Clarissa's IE post of indigo is dark purple! So it cant be indigo then!
I dont like indigo any more. I like purple and I like blue though.
Posted by: Vega at Fri June 18, 2004 23:46