So tonight I say
Category: Opinionated | 4 Comments | Posted 1:58Suicide is a most intriguing subject (tho disturbing to some).
I still feel like I'm on holiday. All the time. The weather...!
Don't take away the music please.
I'm insane but I feel better than I have in a long time.
squiZZpet®squiZZpet®squiZZpet®squiZZpet® etc.
People are inscrutable. Totally.
So maybe I should stop trying to understand them once and for all.
I need more books. But they must be free.
I fucking love summer!!!
I don't like taboos.
I wasn't raped when I was 5. (or 6 or 7 etc)
All the same I don't need (or want) sex.
The future is still a fucking scary place to be.
Not the immediate future tho cuz July's gonna be bloody amazing!!!
And isn't that all it is about? Hedonism? Let's have FUN you suckas!!!!
The End (for now). Thanks!