Saturday June 12, 2004
Nice way to go
Category: Randomness | 7 Comments | Posted 12:58Man Jumps From Helicopter at Grand Canyon
A man aboard a sightseeing helicopter took off his seat belt, opened a door and jumped to his death in Grand Canyon National Park in an apparent suicide, officials said.
At least he got a beautiful view to look at while dying.
Posted by: Vega at Sat June 12, 2004 17:41Suicide is becoming a competition I think. Who can kill themselves in the most interesting way.
We had the guy who cut the cord to his own parachute (or did he?) and now this!
Posted by: Mel at Sat June 12, 2004 18:47Moellemann? I don't think he cut the cord, he just never opened it or sth.
maybe these men just thought they could fly- am serious!
Posted by: Kid Kal at Sat June 12, 2004 20:15 @Kal. Just like R.Kelly
LOL @ what Kal said.
Keep squiZZ away from the Grand Canyon then!!!
Posted by: Mel at Sun June 13, 2004 16:43