Today's a great day!
Category: Life & Me | 11 Comments | Posted 14:40God I am so incredibly productive!!! It's quite unbelievable! I've written over 800 words so far, all the while chatting with up to three people at the same time and listening to music.
And for the first time in months I have actually drooled over Michael Jackson's voice!
I am invincible yes I am!
"And for the first time in months I have actually drooled over Michael Jackson's voice!"
BTW: I so frikkin BORED at work! I'm just bored with work in general. How can I change my life??
Posted by: Mel at Wed June 9, 2004 15:41 No idea @ Mel. Quit your job and trek around the world or sth.
Trekking around the world (how I would love to do that.. and paino lessons) won't pay back my loan in monthly instalments!
oh crap. Why you gotta bring up mj for in the middle of my exams?
don't remind me, will you!!!
Posted by: tris at Wed June 9, 2004 20:31Well done, Citz! And yay @ drooling... you've probably reminded some part of your brain about what you like about his voice? (Soz Tris!)
And LOL @ trek.
Posted by: Woods at Wed June 9, 2004 21:56