Tuesday June 8, 2004
Brighton Fog
Category: Photolog | 9 Comments | Posted 17:36So Craig is finding this so utterly fascinating that I thought I'd share it with the rest of you too... These are three pics taken on 14th of April of fog rolling in from the east in the middle of the day. Apparently that's exceptional.
Yeah after that it was all over pretty fast cuz I remember I wanted to keep taking pics but changed my mind. (pics all open in same window so you can go back and forth if you like)
I prefer this layout to your other 'idea' btw. So... ha.
Posted by: The BML at Wed June 9, 2004 0:07 I first read "Brighton frog" and was wondering about the fauna over there
Well, yeah, I like green, but also like red and yellow and blue, and still not fascinated with them...
Aha, Craig is in da house Well, I suppose frogs can be as fascinating as fogs