Hooray for recycling
Category: Updates | 13 Comments | Posted 12:32And hooray for lazy people! Yeah so here's an old new layout for you... well a few old layouts mixed together, with a (new) quote by the wonderful Serge Gainsbourg. If you ask nicely I might tell you what it means.
I am feeling better. Still headaches & sore throat but no more horrible flu symptoms. So can go to work in 10mins. Oh yippie.
That's all. Bye!
I know what it means, I don't have to ask nicely... LOL. And it's so true!! A few years ago I would have said it's not true... but now... it's absolutely true.
Posted by: Suha at Mon June 7, 2004 13:54Dear Lovely Citzy,
(How are you BTW? I am praying for your recovery! )
Please please please tell me what the "the wonderful Serge Gainsbourg" quote means. And I believe he IS wonderful becasue if it coems from your mouth then it MUST be true!
BTW: LOVING the nw layout. You are soooo talented.
LOL @ Mel
Are you that desperate to know? Will tell you of course but not on here cuz I want everyone else to suck up to me too
And hehe @ Suha. I'm not actually sure if it's true or not yet. I do believe I have some cases where it doesn't apply... maybe.
Babel Fish translator says "For the friendship, the friendship between men and women, unthinkable. Because there is always, subjacent, the animal desire."
LOL - I WAS going to ask what your new caption said, whether your entry mentioned it or not. Is it what Lo said? (And I miss the church thingy).
LOL and Lo even found the original quote which repeats "amitié".
Yes that's what it means.
@ no one else sucking up to me.
Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing... if you agreed with Serge's line. I think it depends on the situation to be honest and the time you spend together... I believe in the typical "if we were the last 2 people on earth" phenomenon.
You mean "even IF we were I WOULDN'T" or "ONLY if we were I WOULD"?
People usually say "even if we were... I wouldn't..." but in reality, I think they would. That was mainly my point... that if you have a (in this case very) limited choice, you'll do most of it.
Well after a certain amount of time you might just fall for him (or her