Saturday May 29, 2004

It is a miracle!

Category: Life & Me | 0 Comments | Posted 22:59

I got back from work almost 2 hours ago and have been online since and so far I have not been bored!!! I don't think I've had that in months!! This is due 1stly to many people being online to chat to, and 2ndly to the latest B3ta newsletter (which I have now finished reading, which is why I am updating here...)

It's sad in a way uh? If I find online so boring then why am I here? Because I have nothing else to do, and can't be arsed finding anything. I've had lots of random deep thoughts at various points over these past few days but I never wrote them down and now they're all gone. Ah well. It's raining outside and I'm feeling a bit weird again so maybe I should just leave and go to bed and read Brick Lane.

There. Updated. Happy?
