Friday May 28, 2004
A day without smileys
Category: Randomness | 3 Comments | Posted 22:26So d says I am overdoing it with the smileys.
Ok everyone says I'm overdoing it but d said just now when I asked him.
So I rise to the challenge. One day without smileys. On Yahoo and on here.
Good thing I'm working 4-9 tomorrow. *hehe*
[edit]1min later... I've already failed *lmao*[/edit]
oh please. when did it ever began to have too much smileys? It's the way the comunication works online. bs...
Posted by: tris at Sat May 29, 2004 0:14I love the new layout. it matches your personality much more perfectly! and as far as smilies, i think i told you my opinion a hwile back
Interesting @ Kal. So what's my personality? Dark & morbid?
And @ smileys. And
@ Tris, hehe.