I dreamt...
Category: Life & Me | 11 Comments | Posted 11:23... I was visiting my nan with the whole family and my brother broke my mobile and I freaked out and had a shouting match with my father.
... I pierced my nose (myself) using squiZZ's blue tongue piercing (his suggestion) and it looked rather too big and my mum made me remove it.
... I was making a living buying fucked up horses and training them and selling them on at great profit.
... of Hanson's song Weird (no idea where it came in, but I had it in my head when I woke up. so had to download and listen)
Fascinating uh? Do you think I sleep too much? Sunshine so guess where I'm off to now...
"... I was making a living buying fucked up horses and training them and selling them on at great profit." I wanna do that.
I do too. Have actually thought about it. But I'd just fall in love with every single one of them and then be unable to sell them.
I've deceided that I want a blog I can update from anywhere.. mainly: work!
I waste too much of my life in this place so I might as well put it to good use. Also my brain is too frazzled to write decent entries at night!
Any suggestions what to use? (for blogging)
Re: dreams... The last dream I can remember was that I "woke" up in the dream and I was on a plane to Sao Paulo.. but we stopped over in Morocco for a break and I tried to buy a can of coke but panicked 'cause I only had pounds or reais.. no Moroccan money. Then some Hollywood actors helped me (can't remember who, he just had that typical American look about him!).
And "EWWWWWW" @ piercing nose with squiZZtongue piercing!
Posted by: Mel at Tue May 25, 2004 14:46Blogger.com m'dear. Works a treat, e.g. here or here. Or, well, the wonderful Movable Type I am using myself!
Iiiinteresting dream! So everyone who looks American has to be a Hollywood actor?
Hehehe @ piercing. I left out the bit where after I'd removed it I had to clean all the blood off it so I could return it to him.
But I disinfected it 'n' all.
I think. Esp. cuz my mum dropped it on the floor too 'n' all.