A very pleasant morning
Category: Life & Me | 9 Comments | Posted 12:26Got woken up at 9.30 by the postman - now you might think that was a bad start, and so did I at first, but then I looked out the window at the immaculately cloudless sky and decided it was a sign. Sooo I quickly washed my hair and disappeared to the beach, where I roasted in the sun for about 90mins before returning home, having a quick shower, covering myself in aftersun lotion and, er, sitting down at my PC.
I have a problem. I really hate wearing bras. They make me feel claustrophobic and suffocating, and my current stomach issues aren't improving things. I'm gonna have the saggiest tits in a few years' time. I guess I could look into those adhesive pad things. Or have a double mastectomy? Or have plastic surgery once they start sagging too much.
There's your "random bit of into you didn't know about me" for the day. I think I shall get ready for work now or sth. I'm in such a good mood I don't even mind playing checkout girl for 6 hours! (tho that doesn't mean I won't get bored and annoyed about an hour into my shift...)
I just woke up.
"I really hate wearing bras"
I know!!!! The best sweathers and tops or whatever are the ones that you don't need a bra AT ALL!!
Posted by: tris at Mon May 24, 2004 13:31So true @ Tris
..but then it gets chilly and you look like you're smuggling peanuts!
I'm wearing some strange bra-like contraption at the moment! I feel like I've been shoe-horned into it!
Posted by: Mel at Mon May 24, 2004 13:41today Im wearing the most perfect bra I have ever had though. You don't feel 'trapped' in it. You don't even feel your breasts!
just amazing!
Posted by: tris at Mon May 24, 2004 13:47