Hello how are you
Category: Randomness | 17 Comments | Posted 21:49squiZZ would like me to quote this in my diary entry...
Imagine pageant
In my head the flesh seems thicker
Sandpaper tears corrode the film
And you're my obsession
I love you to the bones
And Ana wrecks your life
Like an Anorexia life
Open fire on the needs designed
On my knees for you
Open fire on my knees desires
What I need from you
Um yeah apart from that I dunno what to say really. I just kinda felt I ought to update since no one seems to be commenting on my previous entry anymore and I crave comments.
I wanna be 12 again.
Out of all the songs squiZZle recommends to me...that is the only one I like.
Posted by: Dave at Mon May 17, 2004 22:18Out of the many songs he recommends to me (or... forces me to listen to) it's one of those that freak me out (most)
Posted by: Wam at Mon May 17, 2004 23:11that is the lamest argument ever
what does "aimable petite conne" mean ?
my new keyboard FUCKIN SUCKS!!! oO(thanks mr Jimmy! )
aimable petite conne = lovely little idiot
(cunt really but conne = female)
cunt = küt . . . . . or something in dutch . . . I learnt that when I was at polish summer school two summers back
cunt is one of my favourtitest words oO(after fuck)
Posted by: squiZZZZZZZZ at Mon May 17, 2004 23:24Yay! I can post!
How DARE those IT people temporarily refuse me internet access at work!!!! Grrrrr!!!!
Posted by: Mel at Tue May 18, 2004 16:02Kut, Squizz
That's a really beautiful song, haven't heard it in a looooong time though. Silverchair, not?
Posted by: Evelien at Tue May 18, 2004 21:06kut kut kut!!! wheeeee!! I also learnt . . . something else which i can't remember
kak I think
ja, but there was another.
and indeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed @ silverchair
Posted by: squiZZZZZZZZZZZle at Tue May 18, 2004 21:09One of my favouritest ever silverchair songs... *wubs* .. along with After All These Years... Across the Night... Miss You Love... etc..
Posted by: Prue at Thu May 20, 2004 9:32