Oh so tired
Category: Life & Me | 9 Comments | Posted 22:58I'm almost packed up and everything (did I mention I'm going to Glasgow tomorrow? *lol*) so I guess I could go to bed... but then I'll wake up at sth like 6am and collapse tomorrow night at 10pm or sth. I'm sure that would be appreciated.
Am travelling from my beloved Gatwick tomorrow. I dunno why, but to me Gatwick is the coolest London airport, hehe. My mum freaked out when she heard that I'm off to Glasgow again - like, seriously, "why did you have to ruin my evening" and all. Why did I tell her? I dunno, I didn't realise it was still that big a deal, I thought she'd finally accepted my, um, obsession.
The more she rants about it, the more obsessed I'll get, just to piss her off.
I hated customers a lot again today. I hope they all die. How dare they do their shopping at the supermarket I work at!?
God why am I so tired? Think I'll finalise my packing now and hit the sack (ugh I hate that expression). Byebye, see you round y'all.
PS Woooo, WYBT just came on my Launch! That's the 2nd time today!
"why did you have to ruin my evening"
She's still gonna adopt me though . . . right?!
I HATE IT when my soul mates keep details off limits. listen Citz
I CARE- so why didnt you tell me you were moving BACK??
i know you had an entery about it but really!
am mad now
just cuz am over 10.000 miles away- don't mean I am a real freind
Posted by: Kal at Sun May 16, 2004 8:44LOL cuuuuute
I'm not moving back of course, I just said that cuz one of the reasons I was fleeing the country was cuz I figured it was going down the drain and we'd have nothing to base our economy on without our banking secret. But I still hate the place, so course I'm staying here